Older and Bolder

Launched in 2018 by Boston Artist in Residence Karen Young, Older and Bolder is a visibility campaign and community impact project that aims to cultivate and elevate the voice of elders in the City of Boston while addressing public policy. Through a partnership with the BCYF Grove Hall Senior Center, the group provides a space for elders of color to address issues of racial equity and build community through β€œart and social exchange.”

For more information:

Website: https://www.boston.gov/departments/arts-and-culture/boston-artists-residence-air/karen-young

Older and Bolder A project by Karen S. Young 2018 Boston Artist in Residence BCYF Grove Hall Senior Center Dorchester, MA Videographer: Tina Xi www.tinayingxu.com This project is made possible through the Boston Artists in Residence Program of the Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture and in collaboration with Boston Centers for Youth and Families.