Community Profiles

Taiko’s ripples can be felt far beyond the stage to connect us to each other and the world around us. How do we use taiko to build community? These projects, groups, initiatives, programs, and events are a selection of projects that are incorporating taiko and community. In many cases, they are also enacting social change and making a difference in the communities around them. Check out our Community Index below, or click on the each individual profile to learn more! (More on the process.)

Community Index

These profiles reflect the multitude of ways taiko players build community with one another. From regional taiko conferences to community organized events, click here to find out more about different gatherings.

Taiko can often be a strenuous physical activity, which often makes it inaccessible to all individuals. These profiles feature ways in which the art form has been structured to promote accessibility, so that everyone has the opportunity to play.

Taiko is interconnected with long histories of resistance. These profiles feature the ways in which community organizers are utilizing the taiko to fight for greater causes.

Women have a long, multifaceted, and resilient history with taiko. These profiles feature initiatives and groups that celebrate and highlight the work of women in the art form.

These profiles are a collection of those that provide marginalized communities visibility—communities often underrepresented or invisible in the greater taiko community and/or greater society—by centering their stories and life experiences through the use of taiko.