Queer Taiko

Queer Taiko is “a diverse group of LGBTQIAs and allies committed to building community and visibility through Japanese taiko drumming.” Based in Oakland California, the group was founded by Kristy Oshiro in 2013.

Queer Taiko centers folks with LGBTQ+ identities; through their participation in events like Pride as well provides spaces that celebrate and provide visibility to these communities.

For more information:

Website: http://www.kristyoshiro.com/queer_taiko/

To Join: https://www.meetup.com/queertaiko/


Pronounced "Kah-dey", this song is inspired by Kristy Oshiro's favorite food: Japanese Curry. Queer Taiko is a group of LGBTQQs and allies in the SF Bay Area gathered together to build community and visibility through Japanese taiko drumming. Join us at meetup.com/queer-taiko-workshop.